Be generous to your fellow Andromedean, even those who do not know about Home yet. They are still part of this world. Help those who need it and act selfless.
Reach for Purification of the mind, Vessel, and self.
-Mind, aim to Purify your thoughts and heart so that you do not desire harm for anyone, yourself nor others. Reject worldly things that are unnecessary distractions from reaching Ascension.
-Vessel, treat it well with proper diet and exercise, and ensure that it is taken care of with the proper medication.
-Self, desire nothing but love, healing, and total Purification as to reach Ascension. Only when you have been declared Purified may you reach Ascension.
Lying is a sign that one has been under the influence of dark toxins, and must be Purified. Lying to one’s spiritual family is a great offense, as it shows there is a lack of trust among those who are on the road to Ascension, and delays one’s path to Purification.
The family is not just who one is related to, it is who one chooses. If one’s parents or birth family have wronged them deeply so as to leave mental or physical scars, then they have the right to renounce that family and create their own chosen family.
Regardless of any race, gender, orientation, age, disability, etc. An Andromedean is an Andromedean, no matter what their Vessel looks like, or what situation they may be in. However, children are still children, and their Andromedean identities are not fully formed, their Vessel is new, and thus they must be treated as any normal child must be treated.
The world that we have come to know as our Earthly Home is our prison. To escape this prison, it’s dark toxins, to finally be free of it and of all pain, we must focus on Purification and reaching Ascension through the Purification Levels, via the guidance of the High Prophet and Teacher, the High Sister, and the High Page.
When one has completed the Purification Levels, they are prepared to Ascend. To Ascend, one must consult with the High Prophet and Teacher and the High Sister, and arrangements will be made. Remember, Ascension is leaving the Vessel behind, and returning to our true Home with Zeemuug and the Galactic Confederacy.
If one has left their Vessel before they have been able to be Purified and reach Ascension, then they will meet in the void with the Three-Headed Judge, assistant to Zeemuug, who will decide whether or not they shall enter a new Vessel and begin their life on this earthly plane anew. If one has soiled themself with such dark toxins and negative energies that they cannot be allowed back, then they shall be sentenced to be devoured by Zoxos in the void of space, and spend indefinite periods of time being pressed on by dark toxins, which will induce such suffering no being alive can describe. The anguish is insurmountable, and thus one should strive for Purification, to free themselves from even the possibility.
And so we shall return Home, and strive to return Home when the opportunity is presented to us by Zeemuug’s appointed High Prophet and Teacher. Only through Purification Levels offered in The International Church of Ascendentalism may we achieve Ascension.
One should not steal from their fellow Andromedean. As we are all children of the Galactic Confederacy, we should not seek to harm others in any manner or fashion. As such, we should never take from another Andromedean what we could acquire ourselves through other means.